Ejercicio A - Voz pasiva

Descripción: Ejercicio A pasiva en inglés. Escribe las siguientes oraciones en voz pasiva. Después comprueba tus respuestas. Puedes acceder a la explicación en español o en inglés.


Transforma las oraciones de voz activa a voz pasiva:

1. Activa: The company will launch the product next week.

Pasiva: The product (launch) by the company next week.

2. Activa: They did not approve the new design.

Pasiva: The new design (approve) by them.

3. Activa: Is she writing a new book?

Pasiva: Is a new book (write) by her?

4. Activa: They are preparing a surprise party for Sarah.

Pasiva: A surprise party for Sarah (prepare) by them.

5. Activa: The board has approved the budget.

Pasiva: The budget (approve) by the board.

6. Activa: The police are investigating the robbery.

Pasiva: The robbery (investigate) by the police.

7. Activa: They had fired him before he found another job.

Pasiva: He (fire) before he found another job.

8. Activa: They will release the new album next month.

Pasiva: The new album (release) next month.

9. Activa: Will they invite her to the party?

Pasiva: Will she (invite) to the party?

10. Activa: They gave her the award for her achievements.

Pasiva: She (award) for her achievements.

11. Activa: The teacher will mark the exams next week.

Pasiva: The exams (mark) by the teacher next week.

12. Activa: She has decorated the house for the party.

Pasiva: The house (decorate) for the party.

13. Activa: They are organizing a charity event next month.

Pasiva: A charity event (organize) by them next month.

14. Activa: They should have sent the invitations by now.

Pasiva: The invitations (send) by now.

15. Activa: Will they deliver the package today?

Pasiva: Will the package (deliver) today?

16. Activa: She is making a cake for his birthday.

Pasiva: A cake for his birthday (make) by her.

17. Activa: They had already booked the tickets.

Pasiva: The tickets (book) already.

18. Activa: They are going to paint the house next month.

Pasiva: The house (paint) next month.

19. Activa: The mechanic is fixing my car right now.

Pasiva: My car (fix) right now.

20. Activa: Will the chef be cooking something special tonight?

Pasiva: Will something special (cook) by the chef tonight?

Explicación voz pasiva

Ejercicios: A1234567891011


voz pasiva

Ponemos a su disposición las principales infografías relacionadas con la VOZ PASIVA  de nuestra web. Las infografías son una manera rápida de recordar y asimilar contenidos de una manera efectiva. Las infografías relacionadas con la voz pasiva en inglés tratan diferentes aspectos, como la formación, el uso de la voz pasiva  en inglés. También analizamos la conjugación de la voz pasiva con diferentes tiempos verbales. 

Voz pasiva en inglés - Formación